Friday, March 24, 2017


Over the years I've become a little more and more aware of our government. Being fresh and open-minded on our government can make us gullible to vows our representatives will make to the public. From the start, we want to trust them, because they're of higher authority and have been in the system for many years (considering that majority of them are old men). As a result, the American public puts their full faith and trust into these individuals, that they'll know exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it.. right? Well, that's when trust issues begin, friendships are broken, and the authenticity of us comes out. And by that I referred to when Donald Trump first began campaigning, the best thing he has done is bring out the true colors of those who’ve been hiding their phobias.
Something common that the public knows is that these individuals will lie to us so they can have a sense of dominance and high authority. Sure we can throw all of our ideas at them and hope they hear our voices, but that doesn't actually happen. I believe we had an amazing president, Barack Obama, because of his skin color many continued to have a negative perspective on him but he made great changes to our world. Now we have a president who is full of 💩. It's completely clear that he doesn't know what he's doing and whatever actions it is he's making are slowly impacting our people!
I took government in high school but taking again this year, with a different mind set, I've realized a lot more! Our government has power over us! For instance, filter bubbles! Filter bubbles are a way of customizing our web searches and minimizing the opportunity for others to have different perspectives of the world; that leave us oblivious and close-minded to many other things that when I learned about this I was in complete shock! It's honestly very scary and creepy to know that they can do this to us. The government has full control over what we watch, search, and what type of knowledge we fill our minds with.
It's actually very unfortunate that most of our public is politically ignorant -- including myself. Although this class has taught me a lot so far, I know that there is still a lot out there that I can learn to be better involved with current political events. I believe that if more Americans became involved in political events and gained more knowledge not only politically but also of their community then the desire for change and unity would be more powerful than the authority of our representatives -- our voices would be heard!

1 comment:

  1. In the post from Jennifer Torres called, Trust Issues, she makes a great argument about our competence as an american citizen and politics. I agree that it if we do try to gain knowledge about our community and politics then we could make way for some sort of change.
    I didn't know about the term she used, filter bubbles. She explained she was surprised when she learned about it and so was I honestly. When I found that out, I could only think about how corrupt our government is becoming and how crazy it seems that they have the ability to do such a thing. It's not right and knowing that other citizens like myself don't know about it, then I think that tells you something. If more people know about things like this, then imagine how angry someone might get. And how many more riots we would have.
    I believe that this post was very well thought through and gave me new insight that I did not know about. I hope to keep learning like about this and also take the advice from Torres and try to be more politically involved so that maybe there can be a difference in the United States.
